▸ bubuy form4! ... ♬
Monday, November 9, 2009
♥ posted at: @5:30 PM


ehh ehh dah abis exam lar.. huhu.. [wt2 lupe lak..=p].. haaa.. bubuy to my exam week.. bubuy to all revision book yg tebal thp cipan.. make innalillah la zaman form4 aku.. sobs.sobs.T_T.. mate msok habuk lak.. hehe..

damn! paper add math td mmg susah gler thap cipan 99x.. haih.. skunk bru la aku phm npe org bole dpt zero a.k.a telor lam exm add math..

sebelom mle paper td..

aina : aku benci tngok prkataan ADD pd math tuh.. apsal xmath jer.. nme jer ADD math.. tp mrkah aku di MINUS2x.. kalo multiply pown blom tntu pass..

aku : ha!tau xpewh.. dah le tuh,di divide kn plak.. hehe..

last2 mle je laa paper tuh dgn lafaz nikah ehh ehh bkn2,lafaz bismillah.. err ble bkk je paper tuh,bce soaln prtama,haaaa da gse nk pngsan.. +_+

huh!konpom paper add math aku A1+++++++++.. ahakz!=p

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